Estate planning business strategies to help promote growth in 2025

Reflect, recharge, grow
Just like any other year, 2024 had its ups and downs. The important thing is to learn from years past, incorporating and processing everything that happened into your future outlook, both personal and professional.
This article deals with business growth, and how we can learn from the past to open new possibilities for the coming year.
Running your own business is often fast-paced and highly stressful. Events can happen in quick succession, so quickly that you barely have time to stop and think about what’s happened.
As we start 2025, it’s a good time to take a few minutes (or hours!), and really look back on the year just passed. What went well? What didn’t go so well? What happened in the estate planning world that affected you?
How has your 2024 been?
Whether you’ve experienced enormous success, soul-crushing failure, or none of the above, you’ll have something to reflect upon and learn from over the past year.
Review the events of the year; what worked, what didn’t work; try to delve deeper and discover why these things happened and more importantly how you dealt with them; could you have met the challenges more effectively? Could problems have been avoided?
With members utilising CTT’s training and support, we’ve helped them achieve enormous strides in their business growth this past year. CTT member and Estate Planner, Caroline Sandiford, used our Legacy Software to help her launch an Entire Digital Journey for her clients. Using our cutting-edge AI avatar software and digital Fact Find feature, she was able to quadruple her turnover! Read about Caroline’s journey here.
Getting ready for growth in 2025
Setting clear business goals for your company is an essential step to take in preparation for the next tax year. Consider how you plan to increase revenue, improve your client services, or find ways to expand your offering. Each one leads to business growth, and if explored through a framework of support, will be much more likely to succeed; what do we mean by this?
At CTT, we see ourselves as a support mechanism for our members, professional Estate Planners and advisers that work across the UK. This support takes the form of what we call, Knowledge, Tools, and Growth.
We offer the complete journey; our comprehensive training gives you the knowledge and our Legacy Software gives you the digital tools which leads to substantial business growth. Our support network is a fantastic opportunity to easily expand your knowledge or bring some new digital tools into your estate planning arsenal.
You don’t have to go it alone; we help you achieve your business goals, turning your ideas and ambitions into reality.
Learning and development
One of the best ways to ensure the growth of your business is to upskill. Diversifying your offering will help you gain new clients as you can speak to a much wider customer base, offering them a service you couldn’t before.
Many estate planning cases become complex, appearing simple at first until all the details are discovered. This can lead to a roadblock in your services, making you have to scramble to find the answer while maintaining your professional integrity. Not an ideal situation.
Thankfully CTT has a number of courses designed specifically to help increase knowledge for advanced estate planning. These courses are run regularly throughout the year and cover a comprehensive range of topics.
Enhancing your knowledge is a great first step if the other things on your list of goals appear elusive.
Gaining a competitive edge with technology
New technology gives us access to a whole world of possibilities. Not only does it improve efficiency greatly it often gives us a new way to do old tasks. It can shed light on a process that we may even take for granted, going through the motions to complete it without considering there could be a better way to carry it out.
Digital tools streamline processes and help us to improve client interactions. Our Legacy Software features a digital Fact Find and Recommendation Report, both of these helping you, as an adviser, gain an advantage when it comes to engaging your clients and offering them a laser-focused highly relevant range of financial products.
Staying competitive in 2025 and beyond almost certainly lies in the adoption of cutting-edge technology. Technology is the key to unlocking business growth in the future; it’s the reason CTT has a dedicated team working to bring AI into the estate planning sector for our members.
We have had amazing success so far with our client simulator and adoption of AI avatars. These have allowed advisers to sharpen their skills before meeting clients and keep clients engaged and informed while freeing up time for other tasks.
It can be easy to turn your nose up at new technology, especially when it seems like it’s being pushed as some monumental game changer; but forget the PR and look at what AI can actually do. We’re exploring how we can use it to our advantage, enhancing our processes, bringing estate planning into the future.
End the year with positivity
No matter what has happened over the last year, it’s best to try and end on a high note! Close out the year strong by carrying out a year-end client review. This helps you update your database and list of viable clients so you can go into the new year with a clean slate of strong prospects.
Another definitive action you can take is to devise a new marketing strategy. Open the new year with a new take on your marketing, think of ways to energise your clients and reach a new audience.
If you feel you need a new strategy or want to learn more about the best ways to prepare for the new year, learn a new skill, discover how CTT can support you, get in touch now and schedule a consultation with our professional services team.